Product Updates

2 min read

SEO Updates to Video Embeds

Video embeds just got a huge SEO boost. New enhancements help make your pages rank higher on Google.

video results on google search
SEO Updates to Video Embeds

We allowed the copying of SEO metadata along with embed code to make sure your videos were indexed correctly by Google.

This week, we released updates which removed the need for any such metadata. Here is what we did.

Added VideoObject structured data inside embed code

We added correct LD+JSON structured data inside our embed code so when Google crawls the embedded video, it knows things like title, duration, thumbnail and description.

This makes videos visible in Google search results, like below. Not only is the video visible better, but on hover, a video preview is also shown. It boosts the visibility of videos as well as ranks videos higher in Google search results when it's relevant. This helps your pages rank better in Google search results.

In the coming days, you can check Google Search Console, and you should be able to see pages with videos embedded in them.

Embed indexing improved

There is a new meta tag named indexifembedded released by Google, that makes indexing of iframe videos much better. Without this tag, videos were Getting indexed for our embed domain, that is Starting this week, we have put the following meta tag.

<meta name="googlebot" content="noindex, indexifembedded" />

This asks Google not to index the iframe page like normal but asks it to index as iframe. Videos on YOUR domain now get indexed as part of your domain and not as domain. This results in a HUGE boost to SEO for your domains where you are embedding Gumlet videos.

These 2 changes are going to give a huge SEO boost to pages where you have Gumlet embeds. Please give Google a few days to crawl the content and make it visible in search results.

Images or videos loading slow?

We compress them so that your users don't need to wait.