Video Watermark

A video watermark is a digital copyright tool used to identify the video's copyright owner or prevent illegal distribution.

What is Video Watermark?

A video watermark is a digital copyright tool used to identify the video's copyright owner or prevent illegal distribution. Video watermarks could be placed anywhere on the video—for instance, in the bottom right or left corner of the video. The goal is to ensure that your watermark is not distracting for viewers.

A video watermark is typically added as an overlay on the video and may be anything from a brand name to a brand logo. It could also be a website URL or simply a customized image.

Video creators ensure that the URL matches the brand narrative when using website URLs.

Types of Video Watermarks

Several different types of watermarks can be used on videos:

  • Text-based watermarks: These typically comprise a small amount of text, for instance, a brand name, a signature, or a statutory message.
  • Image-based watermarks: These are logos or any custom image used as an overlay on a video.
  • Video-based watermarks: These involve adding another video on top of the original footage. Video watermarks are rather difficult to remove but not impossible.
  • Audio-based watermarks: This involves adding an audio signal to a video file, so it can be easily identified if stolen or reused.

Reasons for Video Watermarking

  • Recognition: If a video is watermarked with the brand name or logo, it is easy for the viewer to identify whose video it is and what niche it belongs to. Brands vying to create a brand identity can use video watermarks on their published material to spread awareness, increase brand recognition, and subsequently drive traffic to the brand.
  • Theft protection: It is not uncommon for videos on the internet to be stolen and used unlawfully. A video with a watermark provides an extra layer of protection and makes it harder for anyone to steal it since watermarks aren't always easy to remove. It also makes it easy to track down any unauthorized distribution or use of the video.
  • Increased ROI: Watermarking serves as a digital rights management tool, ensuring that only authorized users can view or use the video. This increases the Return on Investment on intellectual property or premium content by keeping it protected.
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